August 7, 2019


Family, Kids

yummy light, delightful family? Perfect.

I'm not even kidding. This family has trusted me with their memories for longer than that little one has been around - and in two states. I love watching them grow, their personalities changing as fast as their height; what remains the same? Their love for each other and the fun we have.

This time around, we met up on a friend's property with the yummiest summer light we could have asked for. Since they had to take a ferry and a long drive to get to me, we doubled their session day with Noah's birthday pictures. You'll see those later. For now, let's check out everyone together, shall we?

The goobers get their own moment too...ya know, in case those school photos don't go quite the way you expect them to.

Mom and dad won't be out done though. Check these babes out.

And if you think for a moment, we'd spend hours together laughing and not have shenanigans ensue, you'd be horribly wrong.

I will not explain. You just had to be there.

And with that, I'll leave you with 2 pieces of advice.

  1. Book the session.
  2. Always make sure the shoe store takes off the security tags.

